"Evil Bong 3: The Wrath of Bong" is the follow-up to "Evil Bong 2: King Bong." And when I say follow-up I mean it's a direct sequel which means if you didn't see Part 2, you're going to be lost for a good half hour of this movie.
But let's back up for a moment. Let's chill. Relax a little. Let's just kick back and listen to the awesome ending credits song for this movie.
I love that song. Never heard it before watching this movie. It's always nice to find gems like that.
OK, back to the review. When you see a movie titled "Evil Bong 3: The Wrath of Bong" you just have to watch it. Just like "The Gingerdead Man 2: The Passion of the Crust" or (ugh) "The Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver," it's almost a gut reaction to pick it up. With a title that bad/clever it has to be at least worth watching for a few laughs. This movie was actually the reason I bought a 20 pack of movies (don't worry folks, only cost me $5). I thought "Even if this movie sucks the title rocks!"
And the movie is actually pretty good.
"EB3" follows the trials and tribulations of 3 stoners who, from the dialogue I have to assume have been in all three films. In this movie, they fight an Evil Bong who travels to Earth in a giant weed cocoon . . .

"I got 5 . . .million light years on it."
which crashes to the Earth. The result is creating a field of mind-controlling weed. Also anyone who touches the weed becomes covered in weed, and anyone who smokes from the Evil Bong gets transported to the Evil Bongs home dimension where alien women drain all their sperm to make a hybrid race. It's like Little Shop of Horrors meets the Blob meets my 20s.
Despite the fact the above plot sounds extremely stupid, well it is, but it's funny stupid. The acting is great, these guys really do seem like friends who care about each other's fate. That's the beauty of these low budget films: people do it for the love of making movies. Sure, they want to get paid, but they also want it to be fun.
I enjoyed watching this film. That's always the baseline I have for a movie. The movie did have a few big drawbacks though:
1)The sound mixing was a little dodgy and that's always a minus for me. You'll see me bring that up a lot in future reviews because it's always irritating to have to turn the volume up and down from scene to scene. This movie didn't have the worst (I'm looking at you, Ultimate Killing Machine!) but it did have issues
2) The movie relied heavily on the viewer seeing at least the second Evil Bong movie if not all three. By the time the second act rolls around the characters are spending too much time talking about past events that I started to tune out. Guys, think of your audience: half of them haven't seen the second movie and the other half did but don't remember it. Stoners aren't known for their recall abilities.
3) And this is might seem like nitpicking but for me this was a huge issue:
That nurse. That damned nurse. She drains the life out of every scene she's in to the point where it's hard to listen to what the hell everyone else is saying. The nurse in this movie was beyond distracting. I don't know if she was cast for her looks but it definitely wasn't because of her screen presence or acting ability. She mimes her way through the remainder of the movie and every time she popped up on screen so did a migraine in my head. What is up with the whole mute thing? It's not funny. And then they cut to a close ups of her! She's like finding nothing but seeds and stems in your stash.
The movie was originally in 3-D so expect to see lots of people poking you in the face or oddly framed shots, but at this point it just adds to the goofy charm. Check out Evil Bong 3, but you might want to check out the first two beforehand.
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